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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

GOOG : Victim of a Death Cross

(Click on the Chart for a better view !)

My Gosh what happened to GOOG Today ?

- Its is the CFO 's fault.

- Jim Cramer is wrong -again- :)

What does the MCTS says ?

Today GOOG Failed to Recover from a Death Cross

After that GOOG TRIED to recover from a Death Cross

ALL consequences of a Tripple Death cross Cluster.

do you see the 3 doji's at the bottom ?

Still sceptical about those crosses ????

To Cross or NOT To Cross that is A Question ?

( For a better chart : Click on the Picture !)

All about Crossings of moving averages
is The Multi Cross Trading System.

But : Wait a minute what does NOT crossing
can tell Us ?

In the chart we see the daily of AAPL
even AAPL doesnot escape from a Very Little
Death Cross AND a Little Death Cross

But What Happens in Circle 3 ?
the 25 day moving average (golden line)
looks like
it is bouncing off the 200 day moving average !

It is NOT a Golden Cross BUT it looks like it !

So : a Golden Cross Look-alike

Tripple Golden Cluster again

(Again : Click on the Chart to get a better picture !!)

OK I agree if you say duuh
that last chart wasnot that fancy :)
So I will repeat it with another chart
and some more explanation :
If you study this chart you will
also see :

a) 3 numbers (+12,+13,+14)

These numbers are called :
the crosspoint values

so : the Cross Point Value of
the Very Little Golden Cross is +12
and : The Cross Point value of the
Little Golden Cross is +13
and +14 ? +14 is the Cross Point value
of The Golden Cross !

Legenda : - Dark Magenta is moa 66
- Light Magenta is moa 200
- Golden is moa 25

If you study the chart more detailed
you will find another crossing
Has it also a Crosspoint Value ?
You bet it has !
Which one i will tell you later.
any questions ? Skype me at theodorus123

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Golden cross Cluster

The Golden Cross Cluster is the combination
of 3 Golden crosses :

1) The Very Little golden Cross :
moa 25 > moa 66

2) The Little Golden Cross :
moa 25 > moa 100.

3) The Golden Cross :
moa25 > moa 200.


Sunday, February 26, 2006

the Death Cross Cluster............

(to view the chart bigger click on it)

So What the heck is a Death Cross Cluster ?

A Death Cross Cluster is a Cluster of
3 Death Crosses.

But What is a Death Cross ?

A Death Cross is a negative Crossing
of the 25 days moving average through the 200
days moving average.

But that is only one Cross ?
Yes : BUT (there is almost allways a But my friend).

In the Multi Cross Trading System the other 2
Death crosses are :

1) The Very Little Death Cross :
moa 25 < moa 66.
2) The Little Death Cross :
moa 25 < moa100 .

Remark : No simple, no EMA adjustements of moa's but something else.

This blog is all about the Multi Cross Trading System

(To view the Chart Bigger, Click on It !)

The MCTS is a trading system which i developed
in Metastock Programming language.
In search for the holy grail i tested a lot
of indicators and did find a surprising answer.
But let us just start with a little explanation
of the system.
If you study the chart you will find the
6 most important crosses of the system.
together these are the 2 cross clusters
the death cross cluster and the golden cross cluster.
So much for now.

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